Motion Display raises SEK 18.7 million to prepare for a post-pandemic market

7 October 2021

Motion Display is a company that was founded in 2005 by Erik Danielsson, former CEO of Pharmacia AB and founder of e.g. Pricer AB, global leader in ESL (Electronic Shelf Labels).

Motion Display develops, manufactures and markets attention grabbing point-of-purchase advertisement, for effective in-store marketing. The price-awarded point-of-purchase displays are based on E Ink Corporation’s electronic ink technology.

The Board of Directors has decided on a rights issue amounting to maximum SEK 18.7 million in order to strengthen the financial position and realise expansion strategies when the market begins to reopen after the pandemic. The rights issue is secured to 70 per cent through subscription commitments and underwriting.

Augment acts as financial advisor in the transaction.

Read full press release here (in Swedish)